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Choice: The Door to Inner Wisdom


What makes up your Lifestyle Medicine?

Here at ActivXchange, it is a part of our mission to support all who are inspired to nourish the roots of conscious living to engage and align with perspectives and practices that support the cultivation of lifestyle medicine; a personalized script to thrive.

At times we pull out the full phrase: Participatory Lifestyle Medicine™ - (try to say that a few times in a row. We have, and it has led to a bit of laughter and fun )

Participatory Lifestyle Medicine (PLM)™ is a living concept that has been birthed over the years as an integration of words and phrases used by experts in their fields. PLM stands for the conscious efforts we make to actively engage practices, skills, mindsets, and communities that support the activation, maintenance and optimization of health, well-being, and desired lifestyle over time. PLM is personal and fluid; designed to ebb, flow and change – in direct alignment with our needs as we (and they), change and evolve over time.

Whew – that’s a mouthful! Lol. Yes, it packs a lot in, and for good reason. PLM defines a critical element of the movement supporting health empowerment that is at the heart of the ActivXchange (AXC) approach and philosophy.

Ya see, it is our intention to offer services and events, which support all beings in coming to value their own expertise, symptom experiences, inner nudges, concerns, and questions so that we may strengthen our capacity to trust and rely on the messages that come from direct within. Overtime as we practice this, a new relationship with our bodyminds is developed, and our sense of personal knowledge and power as it relates to our health and wellness journeys is significantly increased.

Consider and declare the elements of your Participatory Lifestyle Medicine™.

Make time to consider and declare the elements of your Participatory Lifestyle Medicine. Then, utilize the structure while remaining open to allow for necessary change. It’s likely that most of us do a lot of this already, but may not have thought of it in this way before... When intentionally cultivating your personal Lifestyle Medicine, it may be helpful to pause and reflect on that which is in your life here and now - supporting your health, well-being, and desired lifestyle already. Clarity gained from this awareness will support the next consideration: What else, if anything, we may choose to include?

Engage these reflections to activate and up-level your personal empowerment:

  • What tools and resources do you utilize in pursuit of your health, well-being, and desired lifestyle? Maybe it’s reading a self-development book, or listening to a wellness podcast, or using any of the resources available to you on our website.

  • What practices do you engage in? These can be meditations, physical movement, keeping a journal, and any other activity that you dedicate time and energy to in support of your wellbeing. - These likely vary and it can help to categorize them into: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly engagements.

  • Who do you have in your life that can support you on your wellness journey? Who can you invite in for further support?

Consider these questions, break it up into bite sized pieces and allow the answer that comes to the top of your mind to flow.

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~ Katie

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