Frequently Asked Questions
Where do you offer services?
At this time, all individual services (one-to-one therapy & coaching) are offered virtually via Telehealth. Special events, workshops, retreats, or conferences may be available live on location or virtually via Zoom.
I’m interested in individual services and want to learn more, where do I begin?
Conscious engagement in healthcare is a strong value at AXC, as a result we recommend you begin by scheduling a no charge – 20 min consultation where you will connect with one of our practitioners. This conversation is an opportunity for us to learn more about each other; we get to learn a bit about you, (what’s sparked your interest in our services & what you’re looking for), and you get to learn a bit more about us, (how we work with clients & recommendations for our work together based on your needs & goals). Then, together we’ll determine and take action on the next best steps.
Sound good? Select “Book Now” to schedule this free call today! Something else you’re looking for? Let’s Connect!
How do I book an appointment?
It’s easy, whether you’re new to working with us or have been with us for some time, simply click on the “Book Now” button at the top of this site to access our client portal. From there you will be directed to select a date & time that works with your schedule. If you have any trouble finding a time that works, contact us!
What is the Client Portal?
This is a safe and secure space where you are able to schedule and make changes to appointments, pay for sessions, send secure messages to your practitioner & view or share documents with our office.
What if I have to cancel?
If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, no worries, you may do so anytime through the client portal or by directly contact our office at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time. Due to high demand, there is a cancellation policy. You may be responsible for a fee if your appointment is canceled, missed, or rescheduled less than 24 hours prior to your appointment. Full details of this policy will be shared and reviewed with you prior to the start of our work together.
If I live out of state, can I receive integrative psychotherapy (counseling or therapy for mental health)?
At this time, ActivXchange practitioners are licensed to provide psychotherapeutic services to residents of the state of Florida. However, Integrative Wellness Coaching, virtual courses and other events are available to residents of other states and countries. The service which may be the right fit for you will be collaboratively determined during your initial call and may be shifted based on changing needs, insights and desires. For more information about our offerings, see our “Services” page. 
How are virtual sessions conducted?
ActivXchange currently uses Zoom for virtual sessions. Clients will receive an invitation, via email, to join a private, confidential, video conference prior to your session. Zoom can be accessed via computer, smartphone (iPhone/Android) or telephone (without video).
Do you offer individual sessions and/or packages? 
Yes! We offer both! At AXC we have designed a special flow for session engagement that honors what we have come to understand about the powerful energies available through commitments & relationships. As a result, new clients are often invited to engage with us through package (or set number of sessions) commitments. At AXC, packages are win-win: they allow clients access to reduced costs while ensuring that practitioners have the time and flexibility in their schedule to best meet client's personalized needs and intentions. In this way, we marry the knowledge of science and experience, both of which have proven the significant value of cultivation of trust within therapeutic relationships. For more details, check out the flow-chart in our “Services” section.
How long will I need to engage in services? 
The answer is different for everyone. In support of conscious engagement in health care, we have designed and woven a collaborative reflection & review process, (aka progress monitoring) into our packaging. This process helps guide and facilitate  what is needed and how best to proceed. After beginning, most clients choose to continue working with us; some for several weeks/months, others, years. The process of cultivating and tending to our health and well-being is continuous and ever evolving. What’s most important is that you find the culture and community of like-minded practitioners or life supports that aligns with you. When you engage with ActivXchange this choice is always in your hands. 
How does payment work?
As of April 1st, 2021, ActivXchange processes payments through a secure, confidential, contract with Stripe. Services for all practitioners may be paid for at the time of booking, safely and easily using the client portal. If cash payments are prefered, direct bank-to-bank transfers are available through Zelle. While engaged in package services, a payment plan that works best for you may be chosen. All services must be paid on, or before, the session day and time.
Are Payment Plans Available? 
Yes, payment plans are available! As we begin our work together, we’ll be sure to review the specifics with you. 
Does AXC Accept Insurance? 
If you are a resident of Florida AND your insurance company provides reimbursement for out-of-network providers, you may be able to receive this benefit. To know for sure, contact your insurance company directly and ask if out-of-network providers are covered for licensed mental health services. If yes, ask what the coverage entails, (some insurance companies cover the cost in full, others cover a percentage). If your services are covered and you are interested in taking advantage of this option, our practitioners will share more details with you about requirements including diagnosis, paperwork & reimbursement. Like all AXC clients, you are responsible for paying for services upfront and working directly with your insurance company to receive  reimbursement. Still have questions? Contact us - we're happy to review all the specifics with you! 
​​How do I prepare for my virtual session?
It is highly recommended that you take some time prior to your appointment to consider the method of connection that will work best for you (computer, smartphone, regular phone). Due to the personalized nature of our work, we suggest you identify a private, comfortable space to meet, check that your device can be plugged in or well charged, and that you have access to video through your device, if desired.
At AXC we believe that the setting is an important part of the integrative experience so we encourage you be mindful of what you may want to bring into your space to make it your own. Some clients choose to light a candle, diffuse essential oils and/or have special lighting in their space to “set the tone” and inviting their bodymind to be present and engaged for the session. Lastly, please silence notifications and schedule a few moments of transition time before and after your sessions. Many clients have shared that preparing for virtual sessions in these intentional ways is beneficial and supportive, and often align with their overall intentions and goals.