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Mindful Transitions ~ Seasonal Change


Mindful Transitions ~ Seasonal Change

Remember the – “Summer going by in the blink of an eye" idea I mentioned last month? Consider this a gentle reminder that despite what our "doings" may be telling us, this fun in the sun season is not quite over yet 🙂

Yes, there is the back to school shopping, schedules are starting to fill as routine quickly reenters our lives... Yet, believe it or not, there are actually four more weeks of summer.

I get it. It's easy to fall into - our environments, (certainly our grocery stores), are starting to surround us with the many signature signs of Fall.

Without the practice of careful attention, our whole body-mind risks quickly being transported, ahead of its actual time. How quickly we sometimes move on into the next season, (experience, material thing).

This nudge for "quickly moving onto the next" surrounds us. It is a theme that has become deeply embedded in our culture, often leaving us with a sense of not enough time, wanting more, a sense that things have been cut short.

Despite the pressures, there is another option. We can choose to mindfully tune in, allowing the signs to serve as transitional reminders - gently informing us that we are in the midst of change - while not fully jumping into a time that is actually still to come.

Join me in intentionally shifting with this transition. Take a moment today, tune into your breath.

Directly bring your attention to three consecutive breaths:

While you are breathing in, know that you are breathing in.

While breathing out, know that you are breathing out.

Together we can choose to bask in the remainder of summer while enjoying the seasonal shifts into fall.

Tell me, how will you bask in these transitional weeks?

With Kindness,


P.S. Take care not to miss the details of our - latest selection:

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