Interested in cultivating higher levels of health & wellness in your mind, body and relationships as we embark upon a new year?
Dedicating time to cultivate care for self is a critical step toward strengthening & expanding our capacity for showing up - as intended - to the people, places and things that matter most in our lives.
Ensuring that we have adequate tools and support while walking this journey of aligned, mindful living is a key component to our success ~ Join us!
ActivXchange has a variety opportunitiesto support your engagement with like-minded community, educational materials and/or attaining personal guidance along the way...
Engage Like-Minded Community:
Our latest book selection:
Lifeonaire, by Steve Cook
Participate in the Reflection Event scheduled for Thursday, February 6th @ 7:30 pm Zoom Link available in the Private FB Group _________________________________________
Live-Online Course Offering:
The Art & Science of Tapping into Presence starting January 2020 *reach out for details*
Discover the best path for attending to your whole-health needs.
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